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EXTENDED Submission Deadline: 11:59 pm EST, January 22, 2023

Abstract (250-300 words) and Biography (100 words) to


The symposium will NOT have any online component and will only be held in-person in Cambridge, MA, USA. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that they have valid legal visas under applicable U.S. visa regulations to enter the US and participate in the symposium. Harvard Visual China does not sponsor or provide consultation in acquiring visas. We recommend that you consult with the U.S. embassy in your residence country to determine which visa will allow you to participate in this symposium.

This event is generously sponsored by the Department of History of Art and Architecture, the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Innovation Fund, Harvard FAS CAMLab, and the Yin-Cheng Distinguished Lecture Series on Buddhism. 

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