Temporality in Rouge
Rouge, a ghost film in which the ghost could well be Hong Kong itself, is about a female ghost from 1930s Hong Kong comes back to 1980s...
作者:黄冰 (美国哈佛大学艺术与建筑史博士) 世界艺术史大会 第十八分会 媒介与视觉 青年主席 这个时代媒介技术的革新最好放在宏观艺术史的背景下去理解,而艺术史本身也是一部媒介史。在油画发明前,视觉的精确表达方式、传播方式或者说保留方式相对有限,当油画等架上绘画发明以后,油...
The New Tea House in Old
This photo perfectly revealed the design concept of the new Tea-Cafe designed by ARCHSTUDIO in old Beijing city : the duality of old and...
Ningbo Buddhist Paintings
“Ningbo Buddhist Painting,” a term created by Japanese scholars in the 1960s, refers to a large corpus of paintings produced in the...
Xia Yong's (14 th c.) Palace of the Prince Teng in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Notes on the Art of Looking in Chinese Painting Xia Yong (mid-14th C.), Palace of the Prince Teng, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Xia...